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The greatest success in life is to be satisfied, happy, and fulfilled. Peace, equanimity, and wisdom are your birthright. Take the inner journey of self-study, awareness, and mindfulness. Awaken to this amazing, awe-inspired, adventure called life.


Congratulations, you did it. You worked hard and accomplished what few people ever do—the ability to live life on your own terms, doing what you want, when you want, where you want. You are a success.  So, why does it feel like something is missing? Why do you have that nagging feeling that there must be more? You did what you were supposed to do – got the degree(s), started/ran the business(es), worked hard, took risks, and made your fortune. You should be content and happy. But you’re increasingly dissatisfied. You may have even doubled down, doing what worked in the past only to find that that annoying, empty feeling grows stronger over time. You just aren’t fulfilled. It doesn’t make sense.


A lifetime of playing by the world’s rules has led you to rule your world. However, your worldly achievement likely came at the expense of your spirit. What you are feeling is your heart calling out. Your soul beckons you to pursue a pivotal inner journey. You are entering your Third Half—that coveted period in life available to those few who see the need for renewed meaning and purpose and have the freedom to embark on deep personal growth quest.


There is much more to the life that you are now living. Eastern traditions teach this awakening through mindfulness. Judeo-Christian Traditions refer to walking in faith via love. Modern psychological sciences espouse reframing thoughts by leveraging positivity and gratitude. Each approach provides a route to adopting a more expansive and flexible view of what is true and possible in life. All lead to the same inner goal—casting off the old self. To do so is to allow the fullness, beauty, and wonder of life to flourish.  This is the “missing something,” the “something more” your spirit yearns for. Satisfaction, joy, and peace await. Will you walk the path? Are you ready to live? It would be an honor to join you on your journey.

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Russ Kamis (KAY-miss) is an actualization strategist who guides people to live more fulfilled and successful lives. A motivational speaker, lecturer, and personal development author, Russ helps individuals reach their full potential through personal growth and increased self-awareness. He inspires people to think, plan, act, and enjoy better, so they can live more meaningful and happier lives.

Russ brings with him over thirty years of business leadership experience, across both Fortune 500 companies and family held businesses, spanning numerous industries. A corporate strategy specialist, he expanded organizations through organic growth and transformed them through acquisitions. At age 35, he was appointed President and CEO of a $100 million business—a company that, under his leadership, doubled in size.

In 2008, Russ founded The Kamis Group which partnered with CEOs and their leadership teams to make needed corporate change. A nationally accredited facilitator, seasoned seminar instructor, and certified executive life coach, Russ has helped dozens of organizations bridge the gap from where they were to where they want to be through strategic planning, team building, and leadership development. He has also worked with numerous CEO’s, executives, and professionals (1,700+), as well as college and high-school students (4,800+), helping them identify and capture opportunities for personal growth and transformation through 200+ seminars and retreats, many leveraging the powerful ideas from his book Aspects of Success.

In 2022, Russ founded the 3rdHalf to explore the field of mindfulness, presence, and awareness. His work led to the creation of CogniZense—an introspective approach to achieve more peace, presence, and fulfillment in daily life by understanding the role thoughts and feelings play in happiness. Wisdom around awakening through reflection and the ego-centric limiting concept of “self” are also investigated. These concepts are ideal for those who desire personal growth beyond the platitudes and quasi-fixes of many popular, mainstream offerings.

Russ earned a Bachelor of Science Degree in chemical engineering with high honors from Case Western Reserve University, and holds twelve U.S. Patents in adhesive chemistry.  Graduating top-of-class, Russ also received a Master’s in Management Degree from Northwestern University’s J. L. Kellogg Graduate School, where he majored in strategy, finance, and marketing. He has taught business strategy at the State University of New York at Buffalo. Completing a dissertation in positive psychology—the science of well-being—Russ also holds a Ph.D. in Psychology from National University.

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